Impact of Funding Freeze and Executive Orders on Victim-Survivors

A letter from our Executive Director

Dear DVIP & RVAP supporters,

As many of you are aware, January 28th, 2025 was a rough day for nonprofits across the nation, with the announcement of federal grants, loans, and awards being frozen by OMB Memo 25-13, as a result of President Trump’s executive orders. This emergency would affect not only the work our agency does everyday, but broad sectors of our community – Nonprofits, Schools, Healthcare, Businesses, Government Special Projects, and so much more. While the White House stated there would be some exceptions, the day of the announcement demonstrated significant confusion and inconsistency. 

While the federal funding freeze is currently paused, the Executive Orders still place the contracted funding at risk. This will significantly impact DVIP/RVAP. 56% of our budget is from federal grant funds. In addition, it will impact all domestic violence and sexual assault services across Iowa, as those programs are typically 70-95% federally funded. For example, RVAPs sexual violence support services that came to DVIP in October are more than 95% federally funded. While DVIP/RVAP has reserves and cash flow that will support us for 3-4 months during a freeze, this will not be the case for other programs and, equally important, other community partners that rely on federal funding. The burden will be catastrophic across many professions and organizations. Those remaining will be overwhelmed and underfunded, left responding to crises and needs they cannot meet.

Within 24 hours of Memo 25-13, our agency had to freeze all spending to ensure that core services would be available to individuals in need into the foreseeable future. This includes withdrawing housing support for those moving into safe permanent housing, prescription medications following sexual assaults (like antibiotics, pain and/or anxiety medications, and sleep aids), volunteer background checks, emergency hotel stays, food assistance, new baby and maternal care support, and transportation to medical and court appointments. In addition to the direct aid, DVIP/RVAP provides our core services such as an emergency shelter, 24/7 crisis line, mobile support, safety planning, support during sexual assault nurse exams (SANE), support within the judicial system, and much more are at risk.

Laws may change, and DVIP/RVAP will remain compliant with laws and our contracts. I urge you to take action and ensure that federal funders will honor their contractually signed obligations to ensure the safety of Iowans. Ultimately, we are prepping for increased requests for supplies, financial aid, and emergency shelter.

For further information please contact DVIP/RVAP Community Engagement Department at or Executive Director, Kristie Fortmann-Doser at

How You Can Help:

Contact everyone! 

Local, state, and federally elected officials. When doing so, please share what you know will happen to victims directly, the economic and unemployment impact of an extended freeze or removal of federal funds, and the impact on our community. It doesn’t take a math wizard to determine that this executive memo’s broad reality can affect every citizen or someone they love. Each letter has directions and contact information for each intended elected official. We have been advised that it is best to send them via your personal email or even better with the state Representatives and Senators – print and mail them the old fashioned way.

Contact your local, state, and federally elected officials.

Each letter has directions and contact information for each intended elected official. We have been advised that it is best to send them via your personal email or even better with the state Representatives and Senators – print and mail them the old fashioned way.

Community Member Letter Templates 

If you have questions or need technical assistance please contact the Community Engagement Team at


Support our life saving work!

DVIP & RVAP Accessible Giving Campaign

The Accessible Giving Campaign calls on our supporters to make monthly contributions that are within their budgets to help DVIP & RVAP provide supplies, financial aid, and emergency shelter through these uncertain times. Our goal for this campaign is $20,000, but the reality is that it costs over $500,000 to provide these basic three services over three months.

As an accessible giving monthly donor, you will receive monthly updates on how we are making every dollar count for victim-survivors, early access to tickets for our events, and the knowledge that collectively we can make a huge impact on the safety of our communities.