Domestic Violence Intervention Program Seeking Sealed Bids
The Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP) is seeking construction bids for renovations to their shelter building and properties in Iowa City. The project will be funded with CDBG funds through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development; therefore construction contracts are subject to Section 3 and Davis Bacon requirements. The DVIP proposes to update flooring and cabinetry in our shelter building, repair parking areas and install fencing.

The DVIP requests firms or interested persons to submit a proposal for construction services. The DVIP may award the contracts for construction projects separately. The proposal shall include a description of the organization’s qualifications, experience,
and resources as they relate to undertaking this project and shall provide the background of the key staff assigned to work on this project. The proposal shall include an itemized estimate of the costs. The DVIP intends to enter into a not-to-exceed price contract (payment based on itemized expenses) with the contractors. Proposals shall not exceed 10 pages in length. The successful firm or individual will have a minimum of three (3) years of experience. The full Request for Proposal can be downloaded in the link below.
PROPOSAL EXTENTION to September 5th!!!
To be considered, sealed proposals must be submitted by September 5th, 2019 at 4 pm and addressed to DVIP Construction Bid, Attn. Ryan Holst, 1105 S. Gilbert Ct. Suite 300, Iowa City, Iowa 52240.
Proposals will be opened and read aloud at 1105 South Gilbert Ct., Iowa City, IA 52240 on September 5th, 2019 at 4:00 pm.
For more information, please contact Ryan Holst at 319.351.1042 ext. 0 or