You can make a huge impact.
The Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP) is seeking additional recurring monthly donors to support victims/survivors of intimate partner violence, harassment, human trafficking, and stalking. Each month we rely on our sustaining supporters to provide emergency and comprehensive services to those most vulnerable in our communities. To make a monthly recurring donation go to this link: Donate Here! Select your option from the donation schedule drop-down menu. Pick the amount and provide a credit/debit card number for automatic withdrawals.
DVIP’s 24/7 hotline (1.800.373.1043) is available for anyone to reach out and ask questions or get resources for themselves, a loved one or a friend.
We provide 24/7 emergency shelter for women, children, men and their pets. Our shelter is full 365 days a year. DVIP has made victims’ pets a priority for over 20 years. DVIP believes no family member should be left behind. We are the only domestic violence shelter in Iowa that provides shelter for pets, within our emergency facility, and 1 of only 30 in the country.
Last year has proven to be incredibly difficult for all of us, but especially victims/survivors as they were forced to quarantine with their abusers. Before COVID-19, many survivors would have sought shelter with family or a friend. However, due to the fear of spreading the virus this was not a safe option for many. DVIP hotline calls increased by 28% and we have spent 76% more on emergency sheltering to provide safe spaces for the growing need.
How You Can Help:
Your donations fill the gaps for victims/survivors. Due to the everchanging aid from our Federal and State grant funding we have been relying more on individual donors to support victims’ services. In 2022, we will see a cut in federal funding of 10%, this is $85,000. This cut is due to the Victims’ of Crime Act (VOCA) fund being utilized for purposes other than to directly serve victims/survivors over the last 4 years. Federal funding cuts will drastically reduce victim services in rural Iowa.
Your monthly gift will help us to provide vital resources for those who need it most.
- $25 a month provides gifts for our youth birthday celebrations
- $65 a month provides a family one night of emergency shelter
- $100 a month provides gas for a mobile advocate who meets people where they are
For the month of May 2021, sign up to become a monthly sustaining donor and receive a special gift.

You can designate your donation for our “Highest Priority Needs” or in a specific way:
- “Cooper’s House”– goes toward our in-shelter dog kennels and “Cat Haven”
- You can make a donation “In Memory or Honor” of someone.
- Or you can choose “Other” and state a specific use for your funds (youth programming, a specific county, housing, etc).